We translate discipleship books

List of books we have translated: Click on the book to find a link where you can read it for free online, or download it from under the articles.
Translated books

The Message Bible NT
Bible in contemporary language.
"My main intention was and is to make those who think it is boring and unreadable to read the Bible, and those who have lost interest in reading it, to start again."
author Eugene .H. Peterson

Satisfy my thirsty soul
by Linda Dillow.
The book is a great material for individual or group study. This transforming and for many of us life-changing book taught us what it really means to worship God with our whole lives.
(you can download it in Word doc. called "Uhas môj večný smäd" under the article).

Calm my anxious heart
by Linda Dillow.
Linda spent many years on missions in communist Romania and Hungary, in Austria, even in China, where she devoted herself to women's ministry. A book full of great stories about how not external circumstances, but only our internal attitude and perspective determine the rhythm of our lives.
(you can download it in Word doc. called Spokojná under the article)

Intimite issues
by Linda Dillow.
There is not much practical literature on these topics for Christian women in Slovak language, so I have translated a larger part of this excellent book, which you will surely love. Linda is open, at the same time she is very wise and biblical - just the way each of us aspires to be :)

Paths to power
by A.W. Tozer.
Tozer was writing to the post-war generation, but his message was preserved like in a time capsule, as if it is just for today. He lived for only one thing - to restore God's majesty to the church, and for the church to return to the place where it arose, to the will, action and guidance of the Holy Spirit.
.(currently the book is still in the process of translation, but several chapters are available here)

What's it like to be married to me?
by Linda Dillow
Linda asks dangerous questions, answers them very honestly, and at the same time writes the stories of dozens of women who want they marriage to flourish.
(currently, the book is still in the process of translation, but several chapters are available here)