We live on miracles

Nothing is free in today's world, but in order to make our activities accessible to every child, even the one in need, we offer them free of charge. (However, any parent that is able, can make a voluntary contribution.)

Adopt a 20 box of HopeStreet

Regular monthly support from our loyal donors to the Hopestreet account covers about half of our operating costs this year 2024. That is why we are always looking for new donors.We fund our activities in a very simple way: anyone who sees value in what we are doing and would love to be a part of it, can make one time donation or adopt a Box of hope worth 20 euros per month to Slovak HopeStreet account 

SK16 0900 0000 0051 8944 1418 (description: gift) 

or  Paypal account: minomisa@hotmail.com


Car challenge

More than two years ago our car broke down and since then we have been using cars borrowed from our dear friends. However, we don't want to use their goodness for so long, that's why we've been collecting funds for a car for a over a year, cause we need it for our kids clubs, for constant transport of children, fishing equipment, wood, musical instruments.... We still need approximately 40% of the amount, so if you see the value in our work and have the opportunity to contribute, we will be extremely grateful!!!🙏🙏🙏

                                THANK YOU                                                for your one time or monthly donation,         both makes a huge change in lives of children around us.  Together we can bring living Hope to the hopeless world around that is so rapidly expanding.

HopeStreet account number

SK16 0900 0000 0051 8944 1418

Name of the bank

Slovenská sporiteľňa

Please in the description write:


Paypal account:


Thank you immensely

At the outbreak of the Ukrainian crisis in February 2022, God unexpectedly and miraculously provided funds through Tom and Cathie Shilts. With their mission organization Compassion in Action, they stepped into this urgent need. We are extremely grateful for that!!! For us it was a huge testimony of God's unlimited possibilities and we want to remind this to ourselves of every day, because God is great and God is faithful!!!.