Helping UA families and families in need
When the war started
At the end of February 2022, when families started fleeing from Ukraine because of the Russian bombarding, our local church congregation in Senec opened the premises of their apartment in the attic for the refugees and entrusted us with working with them. In cooperation with the Apostolic Church in Košice, which promptly coordinated the transfer of refugees, we provided accommodation, food, clothing, medical examinations, documents and all support to all who were sent to our city. We are grateful to everyone who immediately responded to this acute need at that time and helped by donating equipment for the (unfurnished) apartment, clothes, food and everything else needed. We are also grateful to the Compassion in Action mission organization, thanks to whose fundraising we were able to help many families.

Food delivery
We are trying to bring food aid also to Senec families who found themselves on the brink of poverty. We organize food collections, which we then deliver to families in the city and surrounding villages. If you want to participate in this collection, or know a family that could use this kind of help, please write to us.

UA children
In addition to practical help, we saw a great need among children of ukrainian families. Due to the lack of capacities in local schools, they were left without education for months, so we tried to provide them with free time activities. Thanks to generous donors, we were able to give them bicycles or scooters, spend time with them fishing, various fun activities, or organizing the Ukrainian Festival.

Teaching slovak language
Most of the families have already left Senec, but a few of them decided to stay here permanently. Although local schools are still a big problem, we decided to spend the summer teaching them Slovak language - writing, reading and conversation at least twice a week. So when they have a chance to get to school in the fall, they will be prepared. At the same time, we are ready to continue helping them with tutoring and anything they need.